Monday, 13 January 2014

Billy Blastoff and Jet Pack

Billy Blastoff and Jet Pack

 This is product number 33028/33043 it is recommended for ages 3-6. Made by Hasbro for their Playskool Heroes line.

The box has the usual open style, allowing the customer to touch the figures before opening the package.
Included are two pieces, Billy Blastoff and Jet Pack. Now being Transformers i am not sure if Jet Pack is simply a transforming jet pack or an intelligent robot named Jet Pack. I shall assume Jet Pack is in the same category as the targetmasters or arms microns.

Billy stands 2 and a half inches tall, while Jet Pack is 3 inches hight and almost 3 inches wide.

Billy Blastoff

We will start with Billy Blastoff. He has standard Playskool Heroes articulation being; rotating head and wrists, Ball jointed shoulders and his legs move together.

Both Billy Blastoff's left and right hand is in a grasp pose, looks like its designed to fit most Playskool Heroes accessories including those of the marvel and Jedi Force lines.

 I dont think this guy ever appeared in the cartoon but the sculpt is nice and the Autobot badge on the hat is a nice touch.

 He is dressed in a black and white police uniform.

His police boots are incredibly detailed, he has a peg hole in the bottom of each foot, that allows him to peg into Playskool Heroes Rescue Bots accessories. However the holes in his feet are too large for the Marvel equipment pegs, making the two lines sadly incompatible.
The only solution i can see is that all future playskool Heroes figures should come with one "Jedi force/marvel" hole and one "rescue bots" hole. This could be two holes in each foot (Spidey has three, so there is room) or one type of hole / foot. Seems like this is the only way to combat this manufacturing error or design oversight and still make the old accessories and figures compatible.

Jet Pack

Now on to Jet Pack. He isnt really a figure and so doesnt really have articulation. His rocket thrusters do move via a switch and his wings do extend.

 Pressing his yellow button makes the silver rocket boosters spin.

Here he is with wings extended. You extend the wings by pushing down on the yellow "bar" at the top of the jet pack.

He also transforms into his "robot tool" mode. 

Looking on the back of the packaging it appears Jet Pack becomes a police riot shield for Chase the police rescue bot.

Here are the instructions from the package.

 Billy Blastoff and Jet Pack look pretty cool together.

 The package also come with a "tear away character card".
This card is a few
millimetres over 2 inches tall and a few millimetres over 1 and 1/2 inches wide.

The harness of Jet Pack is compatible with a lot of the "standard" Human sized Playskool Heroes figures. Here we see Spider-Man and Obi-Wan Kenobi wearing him.

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