Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Preview: Warpo, Legends of Cthulhu

Legends of Cthulhu

Warpo are making a range of 3.3/4 inch retro 5POA figures based on the works of HP Lovecraft.

Check out the Kickstarter campaign here. The basic Kickstarter is for four figures, but they have already reached their goal and are unlocking "free" stretch goals.

The Basic Figures:

The Cultist:

The Deep One

Spawn of Cthulhu

The Professor

 Cool Retro Packaging:

While they are not in these mock ups the figures do come with accessory's. 

This packaging is exclusive to this Kickstarter.

The Bonus figures:

An exclusive Spawn of  Cthulhu that is transparent green, in the act of being conjured.

The High Priest is a Cultist variant.

There are more stretch goals to come with HP Lovecraft himself and a giant sized 12" Cthulhu, check out the announcement and pictures on ign here

The Author is a variant of The Professor.

Artwork and probable scale for the 12 inch Great Old One Cthulhu figure.


There is also a whole treasure trove of loot to be had, T-Shirts, colouring books, plastic cups, even the "TV commercial" on video!

Check out the company Warpo and then make your way over and consider the Kickstarter.

1 comment:

  1. Love these and had to check them out. We could use your help on www.hobbyDB.com - please visit and if interested get in touch!
